So, I found out the other day that I was accepted into the WPJA ... sweet! I'm excited to be a part of a group that has so many consistently talented wedding photojournalists.
I was REALLY looking forward to entering some of my images into their quarterly contest, but it looks like the payment and the whole process of getting my account set up made it so I barely missed the deadline. So sad. Next time. I was so stoked about it partly because the judges for this quarter (and hopefully other quarters), are some of the members of VII, a photo agency comprised of some of the world's best photojournalists (James Nachtwey, Lauren Greenfield and Antonin Kratochvil are particularly amazing). How cool would it be to have some of my heroes judging my images?
I'll have some new blog material in a day or two ... and something that I'm getting pretty excited about, and may be able to share on here soon. Couple good ideas bouncing around in Ye Olde Skull of mine.