it's always fun shooting with people who're into photography, like Forrest. it's also fun shooting people like Forrest and Erin, in general. fun shooting fun people. just fun.
i had such a good time shooting their wedding a weekend or two ago, so expect a post from that soon.
got to shoot with Christi and Dave a while back. these guys know how to rock a shoot. they are to awesome what Batman is to a cape. get it? i do. i'm stoked for their wedding in a few weeks ... it's always fun times hanging with these two. on to the images!
i'm a little behind on blogging weddings, but a couple months ago i had the pleasure of capturing David and Lexi's two-day wedding. the first day was an awesomely colorful traditional Cambodian ceremony, and the second day was an equally fun American shindig.
day 1.
day 2.
loved this one of Lexi dancing with David's grandfather, who's well into his 90's and dances like a champ!