Shot this a while back out on the Washington coast with my good friends Andy and Raeleen. They're awesome photographers, too, check 'em out HERE.

this shot almost resulted in the tragic death of my 35mm lens and one of my cameras. well worth it, though.

this shot almost resulted in the tragic death of my 35mm lens and one of my cameras. well worth it, though.

definitely well worth the risk. and that last shot... I just wet myself.
crazy good.
oooo gorgeous! i love the light coming through
Wow, beautiful photos. Love'm!
Those water shots are fantastic. Major props for getting them to do it. The risk was well worth it!
What a gorgeous location! Love the wind blown fields, and them in the water. That second to last shot is especially epic :D Great work!!
sweet set dude! love the color one of them standing apart near the piling things.
ocean shores is so much fun.
DUDE! Seriously my very favorite RPF post ever. Very nice man! I really love the evolution of your composition, your creative use of light, and the kickin' tones. If I were being held hostage by an angry impatient felon, and he forced me to pick my favorites from this post, I'd go with numbers one, four, nine, eleven, thirteen, fourteen, sixteen and seventeen. If the guy really got pissed, and made pick just'd be thirteen, hands-down! Great, great set man!
thanks guys! love the comments ...
J, hope no convicts ever hold you hostage b/c of my photos, lol.
the light and location were awesome here!
What a great set! Damn this is cool.
this looks like so much fun! wow. great pictures and what a great couple. absolutely beautiful.
wow...I think I just fell in love with your photography.
Holy...oh my god!!!!
These are the best TTD session I have EVER seen!!!! I mean it, Ryan. Stunning! I can't pick a favourite even. I'm speechless.
3,4,5,6...wait, it just blows my mind from there on! Too much radness dude!
The fourth one down (field shot) looks like something out of every little girls dreams. Dreamy dreamy goodness.
Oh my gosh, incredible!!!
Yes! Ryan has made my wife and I the new hotness. Great job man!
OMG!! Just stumbled upon your blog and I am in LOVE with your work! I am a sucker for sun flares, soo gorgeous! And the waves...I'm speechless.
dangggg son!! killer shot! these look amazing Ryan!
awesome images!
Simply stunning. is my favorite, but I really dig on the ones from the field as well.
Ryan... why are you so awesome?? These shots are INCREDIBLE and i swear that when I get married no one but you is gonna do the photos :D because we think on the same brainwaves haha. Bravo, cousin!
You rock Ryan!
This set is awesome!
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